Brandon I never heard heard lectio divina before, yet practice a form of it without knowing. I called it listening prayer. I've practiced this prayer journaling off and on for years.
My experience has been, this form of prayer solidifies my knowledge of scripture in my heart and mind for such a time I need the Holy Spirit to bring it to mind when I need discernment, wisdom, or a word to comfort myself or others.
I often felt like a Salmon swimming up stream in the Evangelical churches I raised my children in. I took God's Word to be His love letter to me and all who would believe. Being a single mom through most of those years, I was not considered as wise, discerning, or in favor with the church leaders, their wives especially, or those who found religion more comfortable than relationship.
Thank you for sharing this. I have no current local church home. I worship online with my Florida church. It is a member of ARC. Association of Related Churches. They teach Bible over denomination and practice what is taught. I would love to find a church home in NWA of like minded followers of Jesus' way. Any thoughts?
Cathy, thanks for this! It is sad, indeed, how we've discounted the contributions people have had to offer the church because of our prejudices. I'm sorry you experienced that and your input is obviously wise.
As for a church in Northwest Arkansas, I think you might really enjoy checking out Bread and Wine Church ( It's where we've been plugged in for the last three and a half years. It's a community of people who are all about listening for God's voice together.
We meet in a barn in Centerton so the doors are (literally) wide open - unless it's cold, in which case we light a fire and huddle up!
I love any reading strategy that forces us to slow down and read what is in the text instead of what we remember or expect to be in the text.
I totally agree. Sometimes, I just need a strategy I haven't overused to shake me up and make me notice the right things.
Brandon I never heard heard lectio divina before, yet practice a form of it without knowing. I called it listening prayer. I've practiced this prayer journaling off and on for years.
My experience has been, this form of prayer solidifies my knowledge of scripture in my heart and mind for such a time I need the Holy Spirit to bring it to mind when I need discernment, wisdom, or a word to comfort myself or others.
I often felt like a Salmon swimming up stream in the Evangelical churches I raised my children in. I took God's Word to be His love letter to me and all who would believe. Being a single mom through most of those years, I was not considered as wise, discerning, or in favor with the church leaders, their wives especially, or those who found religion more comfortable than relationship.
Thank you for sharing this. I have no current local church home. I worship online with my Florida church. It is a member of ARC. Association of Related Churches. They teach Bible over denomination and practice what is taught. I would love to find a church home in NWA of like minded followers of Jesus' way. Any thoughts?
Cathy, thanks for this! It is sad, indeed, how we've discounted the contributions people have had to offer the church because of our prejudices. I'm sorry you experienced that and your input is obviously wise.
As for a church in Northwest Arkansas, I think you might really enjoy checking out Bread and Wine Church ( It's where we've been plugged in for the last three and a half years. It's a community of people who are all about listening for God's voice together.
We meet in a barn in Centerton so the doors are (literally) wide open - unless it's cold, in which case we light a fire and huddle up!
Thanks Brandon! I currently live in SW Bentonville which is Centerton area. I will check out the link. Thanks again.