Bravo Brandon. Well said. This resonates very deeply with my spirit and answers the question I didn't realize I have. I pray often. I praise and give Thanksgiving to God regularly. I talk to God outloud (I can do this because I live alone.) My entire apartment is my prayer closet. I pray for others, all the things that are happening in our world. But, I believe your point about "but can you heal my boy?" clouded my deep consistent longing to be healed and find the God connections, He created me for. My health limits my participation in church, group activities at times, and isolated me. I have so much love to give and a strong desire to find my church community. I believe I've been complacent in praying for myself. I pray but not believing He not only can, but will heal me so I can get back to the purpose He created me for. If you think of me, please ask God to give me the wisdom to pray effectively and believe He will heal me, use me again, and connect me with like minded believers.
Your posts always are spot on for me. I thank God for using you to remind me of what I know, but in my pain, forget to spend more Quality time with God.
Thank you so much! I hope to attend Bread and Wine Church soon.
Bravo Brandon. Well said. This resonates very deeply with my spirit and answers the question I didn't realize I have. I pray often. I praise and give Thanksgiving to God regularly. I talk to God outloud (I can do this because I live alone.) My entire apartment is my prayer closet. I pray for others, all the things that are happening in our world. But, I believe your point about "but can you heal my boy?" clouded my deep consistent longing to be healed and find the God connections, He created me for. My health limits my participation in church, group activities at times, and isolated me. I have so much love to give and a strong desire to find my church community. I believe I've been complacent in praying for myself. I pray but not believing He not only can, but will heal me so I can get back to the purpose He created me for. If you think of me, please ask God to give me the wisdom to pray effectively and believe He will heal me, use me again, and connect me with like minded believers.
Your posts always are spot on for me. I thank God for using you to remind me of what I know, but in my pain, forget to spend more Quality time with God.
Thank you so much! I hope to attend Bread and Wine Church soon.
Blessings to you and your sweet family !